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"Possibility and promise greet me each day as I walk out into my garden. My vigor is renewed when I breathe in the earthiness and feel the dirt between my fingers. My garden is a peaceful spot to refresh my soul." Meems

Welcome to my Central Florida Garden Blog where we garden combining Florida natives, Florida-Friendly plants, and tropicals.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Garden Week In Photos

"Gardening is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow. " Old Saying

Hubby says I've turned gardening into a full time job (with no pay) HA. It certainly has been a few months of gardening obsession (did I say that?) ummm... I think I meant gardening diligence. Seems the Hoe & Shovel camera has been snapping away this week with not much time for explanation. It's been decided to review this week's captures without much talk.

So, if you please, scroll through and have a look at a few plants...

and a few blooms.

and even some critters for fun.

Oh, this one isn't a critter... he's my favorite helper. Come to think of it --- he's my only helper.

"An addiction to gardening is not all bad when you consider all the other choices in life."

from Niall Edworthy's The Curious Gardener's Almanac


  1. Lovely photos Meems, many familiar ones I like too. We might have a similar climate. I do like your garden with all the colours and the beautiful red bird, it must be so much pleasure to click away with your camera!

  2. Your garden is so beautiful. Picture perfect! I have to ask about your lawn edges (because I'm struggling on what to do with mine). Do you use edging of some sort to keep grass from spreading into the beds?

  3. I just loved all your photos Meems. You are paid richly in your beautiful blooms and harvest of veggies. The biggest payment in the time and fun being with your garden helper. Just think of all the good information he is learning while having fun.

    I just bought that begonia with the spots you showed. I will think of you when I watch it growing this summer.

  4. I do love your garden and you use curves very well! I want to sit on the bench with a cup of coffee and just breath. It smells delicious and is a perfect way to start the morning...


  5. Just stopped by from Judy's blog. Great photos! What a beautiful garden. I love all the colors and textures!

    The PNW is more greens but the tulips are up and the Rhodies are blooming. That's something anyway.

  6. And what a beautiful helper he is! The other day, I asked him, "What do you think Meems is doing today?" And without hesitation, he said, "Watering."

    No doubt he was right. :o)

  7. Hi from CA!
    What a wonderful garden and how lucky to have a great helper. Looking forward for your next post.

  8. titania: Thank you. From what you've mentioned, I do believe we have very similar climates.

    gardeness: Yes, every time I mow I use an edger for all the edges. We have St. Augustine grass here which spreads on runners so it is necessary to keep up with it closely. Warning: you probably wouldn't like any of my equipment since it is gas powered...

    lisa: my little helper is truly the best part of everything to do with everything... :-)

    that angel wing begonia should give you some beautiful white blooms come summer.

    gail: Thanks... as a matter of fact I start most every morning outdoors with my cup of coffee... I so wish you could join me.

    Sinfonia: Thanks for stopping by... I was not familiar with Judy's blog until I saw she linked to Hoe & Shovel... I wonder how she found me...

    and we don't even grow tulips here due to the sweltering heat.

    mlm: he's a great watering helper... but he likes to touch it more than anything.

    elra: gee, thanks for visiting all the way from CA. I'm glad you stopped by.

  9. Apparently my helpers aren't the only ones who like to do the watering job. Now, if I could just get them to help with the weeding.

  10. Your photographs are amazing! As is your actual garden. The pictures show how beautiful they all are. I can't help but admire your little helper; what a cutie.

  11. cinj: Can't seem to find any helpers on the weeding here either. HA

    jan: Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting Hoe & Shovel... I'm flattered you liked it here.

  12. I agree with Lisa-- you are heartily rewarded with the beautiful garden you live in! Plus I am sure that being outdoors keeps you trim 'n healthy. I know that I always feel so happy when I look through your wonderful pictures that sometimes I wonder if you should charge admission for such a privilege!


Have a blessed day,

September 2010

Back Garden: October 2010

Louise Philippe: Antique Rose

Tropical Pathway