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"Possibility and promise greet me each day as I walk out into my garden. My vigor is renewed when I breathe in the earthiness and feel the dirt between my fingers. My garden is a peaceful spot to refresh my soul." Meems

Welcome to my Central Florida Garden Blog where we garden combining Florida natives, Florida-Friendly plants, and tropicals.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's Late...but the Azalea Show Has Begun

Almost like clockwork we can expect the azaleas to begin blooming mid-winter here. This year, with consistently below-normal temperatures since the first week of January, not even their buds were visible until later than usual.
Here we are mid-March when oftentimes the flowers have already begun to drop. But not this March. Just now the shrubs that are loaded with buds are beginning to pop out here and there. Some in clusters. Others in singles.
Although not fully flushing we are very happy to see the bright hues as well as the subtle colors in the garden.
It's just the beginning but ever-so pleasing in this mostly colorless end-of-winter garden.
The complete show will last for several weeks from beginning to end.

And while spring is taking its time to make its appearance in full force...

... every bud and every bloom is cherished.

As the display from these otherwise ordinary Rhododendrons slowly unfolds we're reminded it's worth waiting for each year.

Funny how we find ourselves anticipating their appearance annually ... at just the right time.
When a soul is longing for a burst of life from the garden.
Happy pre-spring!!


  1. Love the colors of your azaleas. I have one color, George Tabor. I live further south than you and mine have been blooming for quite awhile. I need to take some cuttings from mine to root some more to spread around the property.

    Happy Spring and Happy Gardening.


  2. So, so beautiful!!!! Isn't it glorious? My eyes (and my camera) simply cannot resist the beauty that is presently on display.

  3. Those are beautiful colors! I noticed that my azaleas are forming buds. April is normal for us and I think they'll catch up and bloom on time.

  4. Your Azalea show is going to be gorgeous if this is any indication and so worth the wait. Ours are slowly opening around here. Tallahassee always has a wonderful showing of them.

  5. Beautiful azaleas. I love how the close-up shows almost pearl-like stamens and that splash of color on the throat. My own azaleas are just beginning to pop out here and there. I was beginning to get concerned about their lack of bloom. I guess everthing is behind schedule a little bit.

  6. Very beautiful azaleas! I especially love the light pink and white ones in close up. But I know the deep pink ones are what pop out in the garden. Happy Spring to you! (I feel it IS spring now :))

  7. Those are very beautiful azaleas. My azaleas opened their first buds over a month ago. I looked back at an old 2/10 post just to make sure. I remember that photo was taken of the very first Formosa bloom to open. Of course, the 'Red Ruffles' have been in bloom for months now. Happy Spring!

  8. Your azaleas are beautiful. They are the one thing I miss most about spring in the south.

  9. Beautiful photos - and aren't the azaleas wonderful! I don't have any yet, but I'm enjoying those blooming in neighboring yards, and I am planning where to put some in my yard.

  10. spectacular, Meems! GLorious--jes' in time fer Easter.

  11. They are gorgeous Meems - what a beautiful way to welcome spring.

    Spring seems a little behind here too, but catching up nicely - yay!

  12. Meems,
    Don't see to many Azalias growing down here. So I will have to be content with enjoying yours. Great pics!

  13. Hi Meems. How wonderful that you get an early show with your azalea's. Much earlier than we do anyway.They are just gorgeous. I love the pink tinged one. Just beautiful.

  14. Meems, With so much freeze damage in Florida this year the azaleas are really putting on a SHOW! Great photos! Janis

  15. Wasn't it strange? I kept expecting the azaleas around mid February. Didn't think they would ever come!!

  16. Meems, They are simply splendid! Happy Pre-Spring to you! gail

  17. Meems,
    What a lovely show the last pink photo is a great composure, the way the flowers sweep across the image. We are looking forward to our azaleas, but they are a bit behind this year. We added 5 new bushes last year.

  18. I love those papery blooms of azaleas. Happy pre Spring to you too.

  19. Meems! This is only my very favorite flower in the whole world, and the one that has alluded me for 5 years. Pardon me while I moon over your pictures! :o ...Shyrlene

  20. So enjoyed your shared beauties and anxious (but enjoy each precious moment once spring announces itself here in Michigan when things pop so fast I can't keep up) to see mine. Thanks, Meems, and Happy Spring!

  21. these truly are a southern delight. they always remind me of home. i love the gorgeous. i am glad they are finally making their appearance...enjoy.

  22. Every spring I'm reminded of how beautiful azaleas really are, and I plant more. They are the perfect flower to spruce up the winter yard, and ring in spring. Every color is beautiful which makes it hard to choose. Once again, I'm adding more to my garden this spring.


Have a blessed day,

September 2010

Back Garden: October 2010

Louise Philippe: Antique Rose

Tropical Pathway