It's Wednesday night. It started raining here Sunday evening. After not raining here at all for weeks it has rained every day since. It is raining now.

Monday I took advantage of it and was happy to have a legitimate break from the garden. It rained hard all day long.

Monday I took advantage of it and was happy to have a legitimate break from the garden. It rained hard all day long.

Tuesday morning in an on again, off again drizzly rain it was time to see what was going in the vegetable garden. Rain was predicted to keep coming.

Of course I had to take a few photos in route to the veggies.

I'm wondering... shouldn't the Oakleaf Hydrangea be setting flowers about now? I surely hope they will bloom for me. The foliage is big and leafy and gorgeous but I really will be happy to know I sited these correctly last year when they first found their home at Hoe and Shovel.
With everything sopping wet and many plants falling over from the heavy down pours there was work to be done.

Tomato plants were broken at the top. Some needed to be tied to their stakes as they were falling over from the weight of so much water.

The squash is still setting new fruit. But the zucchini plants are not looking so great.

I'm wondering... shouldn't the Oakleaf Hydrangea be setting flowers about now? I surely hope they will bloom for me. The foliage is big and leafy and gorgeous but I really will be happy to know I sited these correctly last year when they first found their home at Hoe and Shovel.

Tomato plants were broken at the top. Some needed to be tied to their stakes as they were falling over from the weight of so much water.

The squash is still setting new fruit. But the zucchini plants are not looking so great.
The intention when I decided it was time to dodge the raindrops was to get out there and pick the rest of the lettuce. It really should have been picked a few days before. It is the last of it. The heat the past two weeks would have done it in completely before now if it hadn't been for the carrot tops offering it much required shade.

When all the picking was piled up this is the bounty that came back into the house. It's always a surprise when a couple of days go by without harvesting.

When all the picking was piled up this is the bounty that came back into the house. It's always a surprise when a couple of days go by without harvesting.
Overall I don't think the vegetable garden is particularly happy about rain four days straight without much sunshine in between. Vegetables, afterall, do need their sunshine.
It is difficult to complain though. We are in a severe drought and we desperately need the rain. The vegetables will just have to suffer.
Such is the life of a Florida gardener.

A little stroll around to the back yard to see how all this rain is affecting life back there. I found the cosmos have started blooming.
They are the first ever here. Planted from seed back in March and pinched back to make bushier plants they are budding and blooming their sweet little flowers.

When trying to imagine what is in the garden that would be terribly happy over this abundance of liquid from heaven the rain lilies came to mind.
They are happily either budding or flowering. It is worth mentioning, however, blooms are a difficult thing for the gardener to enjoy when cooped up inside the house. Cooped up is not a thing that happens around here very often.

The impatiens that are so thirsty for water on any ordinary day are quite satisfied with this drenching. And the Australian Fern is dancing a little jig that it isn't having to beg for its typical daily hose watering. There are two very enthusiastic fiddles coming up through the center simultaneously.

When trying to imagine what is in the garden that would be terribly happy over this abundance of liquid from heaven the rain lilies came to mind.

They are happily either budding or flowering. It is worth mentioning, however, blooms are a difficult thing for the gardener to enjoy when cooped up inside the house. Cooped up is not a thing that happens around here very often.

The impatiens that are so thirsty for water on any ordinary day are quite satisfied with this drenching. And the Australian Fern is dancing a little jig that it isn't having to beg for its typical daily hose watering. There are two very enthusiastic fiddles coming up through the center simultaneously.
More rain is in the forecast. This is highly unusual for us in the month of May. We will take the rain over no rain anyday. And we will deal with the lack of sunshine because every Florida gardener knows we are in for a long hot summer with no sunshine deficit for months on end.
Well, the veggies could send some of that rain my way. We're in a drought too. Doesn't help the seeds come up any faster. I wish I had your harvest rolling in through my doors now. I've barely begun!
ReplyDeleteYour drippy wet garden pictures are lovely!
ReplyDeleteWell hopefully Meems, this will be the end to your drought. The rainy season has begun...
ReplyDeleteI'm sure all of your plants and veggies will do well. The only thing about alot of rain is too many BUGS.. ha ha
Relax for a few days and read a good book.
The foliage looks so good when it glistens with drops, and it frees up your time when you don't have to water. Those impatiens do look satisfied.
ReplyDeletehello Meems, nice that you finally got some rain. Yes I was rained out at Universal just as we were about to enter so decided not to. It was very dry in Miami so I promised my mother in law some rain when I was leaving ...and it is now pouring down there too. I just need some down here now LOL.
ReplyDeleteYour veggies look so great - fresh and firm :)
ReplyDeleteI loved also magolia picture from last post.
Hi Meems~~ Yes rain is a duplicitous thing. On the one hand, it's such a blessing and plants--at least in my garden--respond to rainwater much more positively than chlorine-laden city water. But rain can be such a pain when its weight causes plants to topple and break. Where I live, rain also has the nasty habit of arousing the slugs--not a good thing. But it's all part of gardening. Never a dull moment.
ReplyDeleteOur rain has been hit and miss. To water or not to water has been the question this week. Your gardens look wonderful as usual. We have had some nutty wind this week though!
ReplyDeleteYour cosmos look great! Meg has seeded lots of them here, they are about 3 inches tall right now. You'll be back to dry weather before you know it there.
Hey Cinj,
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to imagine you in a drought after so much snow melted but then again what do I know about snow? Before you know it your seeds will be up and you will have a harvest to tend to as well!
All the reports are that it is helping for the moment. For the long run it won't end it but if we get our summer rain patterns we might actually be in MUCH better shape than we have been. Droughts effect water tables and aquifers and such - we'll have to go over to Robert's blog for all that good information. :-)
Northern Shade,
Freeing up my time not to water is a huge gift of time ... it is remarkable what a difference it has made this week not to be spending hours in the garden. I could have been out of town this week and the all would have survived. :-)
Hey!!! So good you are home safe. Our whold state has been getting this rain off and on... I'm glad you MIL got some too. If only we could blow it your way ... you know we would do it for you. :-)
Hello. The veggies have been keeping our table full this spring. Thank you.
You are SO right. There is nothing that compares to rain water for our dear earth. Slugs! Yes, I have picking them off of everything in the veggie garden in between rain. They are happy to slither away in this mucky weather and getting fat on my zinnia leaves too. There was a healthy snail crawling arond on my sink when I cleaned all that lettuce. It went right in with the kitchen clippings.
The wind has been crazy (off and on) this week. Fortunately the veggie garden is protected by the confederate jasmine that surrounds. But the rest of the garden has to manage through the gusts.
ReplyDeleteI had my doubts about the cosmos because I've never seen them sold anywhere here. After seeing them on so many northern blogs I decided to give them a shot. Some of the taller plant stems are falling over from all the rain. We'll see how they do when it dries out. And you are right. Once the sun comes back out we will be dry in a jiffy.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised you Hydrangea isn't blooming right now. They are all in bloom in Alabama. But, the first year I had mine they didn't do much for me.They later became victims of a weed whacker mishap, one limb at a time.:-)--Randy
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what I was thinking. I don't see them in yards around here so I don't know what is typical. When I bought them last year (around this time) they were already blooming. I'll keep them for the interesting foliage no matter what but hopefully they will bloom for me soon... if not, next year. Sorry to hear someone got weed wacker happy around there.
I hope you know your garden is absolutely stunning! I loved the shot you took of the entire garden/border. It must be nice to be in FL where you can grow so much year-round! I'm in Zone 4 so I'm forced to take a 7-8 month break over winter!
ReplyDeleteAll that rain makes it hard to get anything done in the garden.
ReplyDeleteThe moisture from your storms is on its way up here. Supposed to give us some rain soon. We had lots of rain this spring but just a couple days like yesterday with blazing sun and strong winds will dry out the top layers of soil in just hours.
Isn't it GREAT!
ReplyDeleteYou have got some really good looking vegetables there! And flowers as well! You must be doing everything right.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I wish I had a break... that's what made the rain nice for a couple of days. But I wouldn't be able to stand being out of the garden for much longer than that. Thank you for your kind words about my garden.
Not getting too much done in the garden this week. The sun came out today for a few hours and dried everything right up quickly. It is looking like rain again.
Can't really complain about getting so much rain can we? We will just have to deal with whatever adverse conditions it causes. The benefits FAR outweigh the negatives.
Oh, I wish I could say that. I'm learning a lot as I go for certain. I've learned through mistakes as well as the things done correctly. It is the life of a gardener... you win some - you lose some and you just keep right on working at it. :-)
The sun was breaking through a little here today, but everything is so soggy. I am sure by tomorrow it will be back to the steam bath. I can't complain, because I am loving our new yard. Every motrin that I swallow is well worth it. thanks for being a continued inspiration Meems!
ReplyDeleteRains make for great garden photos and rest time for gardeners!
ReplyDeleteWe've been working hard in the garden, doing some make-over work and driving all over three towns looking for the perfect replacement garden bench (or a bistro set) for the cottage garden since we moved that bench to the waterfall.
Hi, I've got cosmos and they volunteered to come back this year - alas none of the purples but the yellow and orange go nuts for me. I like them, the little girls enjoy picking and picking and picking them. They are kind of invasive for me - seeding themselves and coming up everywhere. I don't mind them so much - and they bounce right back up after the rain.
ReplyDeleteI thought of you when I saw on the weather that FL was getting soaked. I am sure your garden will be happy about all the rain. Your veggies look delicious.
ReplyDeleteHi Meems, your garden looks fantastic even with all the rain.
ReplyDeleteI tried to check out my back yard today but was walking in water. Not good for the grass or ground to walk on it when it's so wet. Will have to wait till it dries out a bit.
I know we need the rain badly but all at once!!!! I can tell it is helping the plants that I have in tubs. Anything in the ground has drowned.
Florida Sue,
ReplyDeleteThe sun did come out this afternoon and then the heavens opened up again for hours this evening. This is SO strange to happen without a storm in the Gulf.
The cloudy sky helps with photos and I can't remember the last time I've been 'forced' to stay out of the garden for this long. I can't wait to see what you find for the perfect bistro or bench... one thing I know ... it will be perfect. :-)
So good to know they grow so well for you. You are a bit further north but the climate is probably much the same since you are near the coast. I'm encouraged -- mine might actually do well. Yay!
You are so sweet. Maybe one of these days you are going to make your way to Florida again???
It is true we need the rain. Surely our gardens are going to be better off for all this water right?
I totally understand your mixed feelings about rain! If only it would show up once a week, rain the perfect inch or two and then go away until the next event! I've recently read that hard rains can compact clay soil. Oh joy!
ReplyDeleteI did enjoy the long views into your garden, and the rain washed vegies look wonderful and tasty! gail
It's been raining here too for three days straight. Such a relief to not have to monitor my plants for signs of thirst! Your garden's looking lovely.
ReplyDeleteWe would have had the perfect week this week if only the sun had come out in between rains. But truthfully, I'm not complaining because we have been without rain for so long and we usually have to wait until June to get any. The garden is loving it BTW just not the veggie plants.
It is a HUGE relief and a HUGE time-saver isn't it! Thanks for stopping by Hoe and Shovel.
The rain was great! I really hope we now just can get daily thunder storms with the occasional complete rainy day. We started to flood up this way, my house had over 9" of rain. Your yard looks like mine, refreshed and relaxed.
As always, Meems, yore blog is a feast fer the eyes--jes' spectacular. I enjoys it so much it near 'bout has be past mah envy.
ReplyDeleteThe rains we've gotten here have been perfect really. No flooding just consistent and steady. The first day it was heavy and hard but after that just steady. I hope for the afternoon rains again, too... we will be dependent on them to refresh the heated summer days.
Truth be told I don't imagine there is an envious bone in your body! Besides you know I'm only going to show off the pretty stuff. So glad you stopped by to have a look-see.