these three butterflies were fluttering all around me today as i was mowing. they didn’t seem to notice me but i couldn’t take my eyes off of them. i watched them dance through the air and touch down together and then as if they were taking turns one would light and then the other. when they hung around for several minutes i finally stopped the mower and ran inside for my camera. my camera is less than great so this is the best i could do. i think i am fascinated with butterflies because they seem ever so genteel. hope you enjoy my capture.
thanks for posting these photos. glad you were able to capture them. question: before they are beautiful "genteel" butterflies, they are quite "uncouth" lower class caterpillars. when they're in that catty state, do they eat your plants?
prior to their proper, courteous, well-mannered state i am not sure what they eat. if they originated in my garden... i do not know it.